Casa del Arte Flamenco has the pleasure of invite you all to our traditional Christmass Zambomba, that we will celebrate in La Fontana bar.
As every year we want to spend a day in Christmass with employeed and friends. Come by and enjoy with our artists. Besides the employees and the artist cast of Casa del Arte Flamenco we will share this day with FollowMe Granada, the best guided visits agency in Granada, and CitySEM, our marketing agency.
It will be an unforgetable day where we will celebrate the Christmass with carols, drinks, flamenco and tons of art. An opportunity to spend a joyfull day with big dosis of fun and amusement in the best company possible.
Don´t forget. On December 2, Wednesday, enjoy a true Chirstmass zambomba with Casa del Arte Flamenco Team. Starting at 16:00 in La Fontana.
¡Merry Christmass!